Browse Items (752 total)

The tent-lights glimmer on the land,
The ship-lights on the sea;
The night-wind smooths with drifting sand
Our track on lone Tybee.

At last our grating keels outslide,
Our good boats forward swing;
And while we ride the…

I love the dews of night,I love the howling wind,I love to hear the tempest sweepO'er the billows of the deep:For nature's saddest scenes delightThe melancholy mind.Autumn! I love thy bowerWith faded garlands drest:How sweet alone to linger…

Autumn! I love thy tinted looks, Thy faded leaves, and chilling brooks, And variegated flowers; Thy cooling winds and wither'd grass, Precurser of the stormy glast, And fluctuating showers. Thy cloudy days and chilling nights, And ripen'd fruits,…

A glimmering haze upon the landscape rests;
The sky has on a softer robe of blue;
And the slant sunbeams glisten mildly through
The floating clouds that light their pearly crests
'Mid the pure currents of the upper air.
The fields are dress'd in…


Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on. I have seen Him in the…

Bear thee up bravely, Strong heart and true, Meet thy woes gravely, Strive with them too! Let them not win from thee Tears of regret; Such were a sin for thee— Hope for good yet! Rouse thee from drooping, Care-laden soul. Mournfully…

Onward, onward, sons of freedom, In the great and glorious strife You've a high and holy mission On the battle field of life. See oppression's feet of iron Grind a brother to the ground, And from bleeding heart and bosm, Gapeth many a fearful…

Mistaken mortal, ever fretting, Grasping, grinding, groaning, getting, Be content! If thou hast enough, be thankful, Just as if thou had a bankful, Be content! If fortune cast thy lot but humble, Earn thy bread and do not grumble, Be…

Be gentle, there are hours when he By anxious care is tossed, And shadows deep lie on his brow, By business trials crossed. Be gentle, 'tis for you he toils, And thinks, and strives to gain Home comforts and home happiness; Don't let him…
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