Browse Items (752 total)

Wake, lady, wake, - the midnight moon Sails through the cloudless skies of June; The Stars gaze sweetly on the stream, Which in the brightness of their beam, One sheet of glory lies. The glowworm lends its little light, And all that's beautiful and…

`Tis Spring and Winter in his iron car,Has wheel'd his progress to the arctic shores,Now Ursus wafts his balmy gales from far,And Sol his warm and bright effulgence poursAnd see, Old Frost, his prison gates unbar;Each captive he to liberty…

"One evening - `tis an eastern story ---The lilly slept, the bat was flitting,The sun, on clouds of crimson glory,Was like an ancient sultan sitting;The sky was dew, the air was balm,The camels by the tents were grazing,A pilgrim sat beneath a…

"Our task is done! on Gunga's breastThe sun is sinking down to rest;And, moored beneath the tamarind bough,Our bark has found its harbor now.With furled sail, and painted side,Behold the tiny frigate ride.Upon her deck, `mid charcoal gleams,The…

In Judah's hall the sharp is hushed, Her voice is but the voice of pain; The heathen heel her helm has crushed, Her spirit wears the heathen chain. From the dark prison-house she cried, `How long, O Lord! thy sword has slept! O quell the oppressor in…

Hail to thee! bright and ever rolling moon,Wheeling thy car in splendour through the sky;Thou art to mortals a most welcome boon,When waves Old Night his ebon [sic] wand on high,Thou beamest in thy beauty and how soonFlee the light clouds with their…

Hail, thou blooming violetThou firstling of the spring,Precursor of the fragrant band,That with them odours bring,Thou lift'st thy blushing purple leavesUp from the woodland green,And smils't reserv'd like modestyThat strives not to be seen.I prize…

I'd willing take the harp once more,And strike its soul inspiring lays,Its melody should o'er and o'er,Responsive answer all thy praise.But no, its chords, I may not wake,For faint and sad would be the strain;The tones so mournful, now that…

"Is this the time to be gloomy and sad?"BRYANT.This is the time to be lightsome and gladFor earth is cloth'd in her richest green,And the grove with foilage fresh is clad,And the pure show'rs down his brightest sheen.Away with our gloom and…

I saw thee in thy morning,Of youthful beauty grace and love;When art lent her adorning,The gifts of nature to improve.Thou wast a Queen in splendor,And thine to conquer ev'ry heart;Ah! me how soft and tender,Each thrilling glance thou did'st…
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