Browse Items (752 total)

He knelt - the Saviour knelt and prayed, When but his Father's eye Looked through the lonely garden's shade, On that dread agony! The Lord of all, above, beneath, Was bowed with sorrow unto death. The sun set in a fearful hour, The skies might…

We walked by the side of the tranquil stream,That the sun had tinged with his parting beam,The water was still, and so crystal clear,That every spray had its image there.And every reed that o'er it bowed,And the crimson streak, and the silvery…

Of that far distant city,A theme has oft been told,By poets and by sages,Who lived in days of old.That theme a lovely story,Of which we never tire,Has reached us through the ages,And still our hearts inspire.That story - must I tell it?Ah, no! 'tis…

Kiss the Son, the promis'd child, Oh! hail him, long foretold! He comes to earth, in mercy mild, A richer gift than gold. Kiss the Son, the babe most sweet! Who from the realms above; In transport left his jasper seat, With purposes of love. Kiss the…

Rage War, thou scourge, attended dire,Pour on our land thy hottest ire, If but the slave go free. Make Egypt's fields a smouldering waste,Where Famine howls o'er wealth displaced, If but the slave go free. Her first born sons in death lay…

Come Home! Would I could send my spirit o'er the deep! Would I could wing it like a bird to thee, To commune with thy thoughts, to fill thy sleep With these unwearying words of melody - Brother, come home! Come Home! Come to the hearts that…

Come to me, gentle Sleep! I pine, I pine for thee! Come with thy spells, the soft, the deep, And set my spirit free! Each lonely burning thought In twilight languor steep; Come to the full heart, long o'er wrought, O! gentle, gentle…

Let us say be cheerful, Whatsoe'er betide: Life is not all tearful— There's a sunny side. Vernal zephyr's banish Winter's frosts afar; Midnight's specters vanish With the morning star. Every deep depression, With its chills and blights, Has…

Oh, the gleam and the glitter, the glint and the glow,
The gurgle and gush, the growl and the go,
The ripple and rage, the rush and the roar,
Of the surges that roll on the sandy seashore,
Of the isle, Coney Isle,
Where there's many a thing to…

Cotton is king, high priest of Mammon, Ruling the nation with imperial sway; His will is law, all else is gammon— The people murmur, but murmuring obey. 'Tis strange to notice how a simple thing, Pregnant with force potential, yet…
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