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In compliance with the request of several persons, we reprint the admirable poem by Whittier, which the Hutchinson's were not allowed to sing on the other side of the Potomac, Gen. Kearney and Gen. Franklin having solemnly declared it to be…

Tell me, ye gentle winds That round my pathway play, Is there no place on earth Where printer's get their pay? The whispering breeze went by With accents filled with woe; A voice borne on the sorrowing air, In sadness answered "No." Tell me,…

When liberty first sought a home on the earth, No altar the goddess could find Till art's greatest triumph to printing gave birth, And temper she reared in the mind, The phantoms of ignorance shrunk from the sight, And tyranny's visage grew…

When Gen. Fremont proclaimed to the Rebels of Missouri, "their slaves, if any, are Free Men," millions said to each other, "This trumpet gives no uncertain sound." The eloquent Wm. H. Channing wrote joyfully to a friend: "My faith is that, as a…

Night unfurled her sable banner, gemmed with many a starry ray;Silence, too, her gentle sister followed where the shadows lay; Weary men were calmly sleeping, men who in the conflict dire, Through the anxious hours of daylight wrought with hearts of…

TheTimes' Warsaw correspondent says—Th singing of the National Hymn still continues. Indeed, though of Roman Catholic origin, and containing prayers for the dead, it has been recently sung during divine service in the churches of both Lutheran and…

This star sinks below the horizon in certain latitudes. I watched it sink lower and lower every night, till at last it disappeared. A star has left the kindling sky, - A lovely northern light: How many planets are on high! But that has left the…

God said, "Let there be light!" Grim darkness felt his might, And fled away: Then startled seas, and mountains cold Shone forth all bright in blue and gold, And cried, "Tis day! tis day!" "Hail, holy light!" exclaim'd The thunderous crowd that…

When Adam, with his blooming rib,By the behest of Heaven,From Paradise, his native home,All sorrowing was driven -The curse primeval, though so hard,A blessing was, I trow,That she should nurse her little babes,While he should guide the PLOUGH!So our…

The pines were dark on Ramoth hill, Their song was soft and low; The blossoms, in the sweet May wind, Were falling like the snow. The blossoms drifted at our feet, The orchard birds sand clear; The sweetest and the saddest day It seemed of all…
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