Browse Items (752 total)

White, cream white; in pleat and band and fold;
The pure white of the snow touched with the sunset's gold:
With foamy flecks of lace, at bust and throat and wrist,
Like edge of pearling waves, when sandy beach they've kissed:
White, creamy white;…

Who lags from dread of daily toil And his appointed task would shirk, Commits a folly and a crime; A soulless slave, A paltry knave, A clog upon the wheels of time. With work to do, and stores of health, The man's unworthy to be free Who will…

Roll on thou joyful day, When tyranny's proud sway Stern as the grave, Shall to the grave be hurled, And freedom's flag unfurled,Shall wave throughout the world, O'er every slave. Trump of glad jubilee; Echo o'er land and sea, Freedom for…

Yes, down into the tomb!—Down, down I say,To its dark depths!I do not fear its gloom,And for its shelterEarnestly I pray.The world is hideous—Heaven seems afar;Despair o'ershadows me;Its darkness to dispel,Hope has no kindly star.Ah, me! how frailAre…

Crouching on the marble steps That led into a house of prayer. Sat a girl with face half hidden 'Neath a veil of tangled hair, Looking like a fallen angel, Come to find a shelter there. Loudly blew the winds around her, Coldly fell the…

Whose is you sable bier Why move the throng so slow? Why doth that lonely mother's tear In sudden anguish flow? Why is that sleeper laid To rest in manhood's pride? How gain'd his check such pallid shade? I spake, - but none replied. The hoarse wave…

'Gentlest of spirits! - not for thee Our tears are shed, our sighs are given: Why mourn to know thou art a free Partaker of the joys of heaven? Finished thy work, and kept thy faith In Christian firmness unto death: And beautiful as sky and…

Suppose the little cowslip Should hang its golden cup And say, "I'm such a tiny flower, I'd better now grow up"— How many a weary traveler Would miss its fragrant smell, How many a little child would grieve To lose it from the dell! Suppose…

Dearest, dry that tearful eye - Dearest, check that mournful sigh: Let not hope thy bosom fly, Nor sorrow longer move thee: For by that pale cheek I swear - By those eyes of beauty rare - By the pure soul shining there - I'll never cease to love…

God gave to Afric's sons A brow of sable dye, And spread the country of their birth Beneath a burning sky; And with a cheek of olive, made The little Hindoo child, And darkly stain'd the forest tribes That roam our Western wild. To me he gave…
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