Browse Items (752 total)

He told me I was fair as morn,Mine eyes were bright as stars of even;In fine, that I was seraph born,Could make his lot an earthly heaven.I lov'd him well albeit I might,Have deem'd his praise as vainly offer'd;I thought him true with fond…

Oh ¡ no we never mention her! her name is never heard;My lips are now forbid to speak, that oncefamiliar word;From sport to sport they hurry me, to banish my regret;And when they win a smile from me, they think that I forget. II. They bid me seek in…

Oh! bid the breast where sorrow's dartHath lightly press'd its barb of pain,To wake to joy and know the artEach care corroding to restrain.But mock me not with lightsome song,For well thou know'st this heart of mine,Can ill disperse its woes that…

Oh, tell me not that I love too wellThe legends of ancient days to trace;And blame me not when I fondly dwellOn the fabled deeds of the fairy race.When my spirit has mourned over hopes grown cold,How dear have these tales of enchantment been;For it…

As fleeting as the morning cloud,That moves in fearful silence by,As changeful as the hues that shrowdThe summer's evening sky;Shifting with every pulse of air -Just such is life - as false as fair.But it has joys that never fail,As deep, and pure,…

Lady, `tis true we ne'er have metOn lowland vale or upland lea,To utter joy, or weep regret,For friends estrang'd or sweets that flee.Perhaps thy heart hath known no ill,That pains the breast to sad distress;Forcing the tear to roll at will,For…

Here's health to the ladies at hame,Here's health to the ladies awa'And wha winna pledge it wi' a' their soulMay they ne'er be smiled on at a'.It's guid to be pretty and fair,It's guid to be smilin' like you;It's guid to be stealin' the gentlemen's…

Women are made; so fate declares,To smoothe our linen and our cares,And `tis but just, for by my troth,They're very apt to ruffle both.

What gem hath dropp'd, and sparkles o'er his chain?The tear most sacred, shed for other's pain,That starts at once; bright - pure - from pity's mine,Already polished by the hand divine!Oh, too convincing - dangerously dear -In woman's eye the…

Ah poor Louise! The live long dayShe roams from cot to castle gay;And still her voice and viol say,Ah maids, beware the woodland way, Think on Louise! Ah, poor Louise! The sun was high,It smirch'd her cheek, it dim'd her eye,The woodland walk was…
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