Browse Items (752 total)

"There comes a voice that awakes my soul. Itis the voice of years that are gone, they rollbefore me with all their deeds." - OSSIAN.A voice of youth, of rosy youth,I heard in visions of the night;And mem'ry dear as vestal Truth,Brought ev'ry shade…

The Angel of death was hovering near,A voice had sent, thou couldst not hear,To beckon the friend of my heart away,To the regions of glory - of endless day.He has gone in the morning of youthful pride,Where the high and the humble must all…

It was clear and pleasant night -The moon and stars reflected bright -And all was still, and on the sea`Twas sweet and calm serenity -When, borne on by a gentle gale,I saw a vessel proudly sail,And on her deck a wretch I saw;On whom I gaz'd with pain…

The son of the pilgrim has passed on his way, To seek the wild land where his father had died; He longs by his tomb of the desart to pray, And place a momento of love by its side. Dark woods and wild streams will his footsteps surround; The thirst of…

`Tis done! and the rocks of the mountains are parting,And mortals affrighted shrink back in dismay:The wild beasts that roam from their dens now are starting,And men fly disheartened, alarm'd on their way.They've slain their Preserver, their God and…

"Star of descending night, fair is thy light in theWest! Thou liftest thy unshorn head from thy cloud; thy steps are stately on thy hill. What dost thou behold in the plain? The stormy winds are laid. The murmur of the torrent comes from afar.…

DEAR ANGEL of my heart,Dry up those pearly dews,At eve tho' I depart,Think not `twill be for years.Some morn like this, my love,I'll bring thee back thy Knight,Thy plighted faith he'll prove,And seek no more the fight.Deem'st thou our haughty…

When first my bosom glowed with hope, I gaz'd as from a mountain top On some delightful plain; But oh! how transient was the scene --- It fled as though it had not been, And all my hopes were vain. How oft this tantalizing blaze Has led me through…

O muse, attune my lyre sweet, The moments to beguile; Oh, endite a sonnet meet, To BEAUTY'S placid smile. Care may prey upon the heart, And make it bleed awhile, But, how transient is the smart, When BEAUTY beams a smile. Doom'd in distant climes to…

My early hopes - my early hopes, Where are ye now? and why With cypress have ye wreath'd my heart, And bade its blossoms die? I nurs'd my rose with dew of love, And warm'd it with my breath, And little reck'd with all my care 'Twould meet so quick a…
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