Browse Items (752 total)

'Tis he of Afric. By the reedy marge Of broad bright Niger, hath he chased the deer, Or led his warriors to the battle charge, When life's gay morning shone serenely clear. Child of the cruel fate and blighted hope! O sadly hath the morning changed…

Alas! the blooming youth is gone! How swift his days have flown; He's left his recent bride forlorn, In bitterness to moan. The nuptial harp just gayly tun'd, Is soon to sorrow given; Alas! his sweetest pleasure's ruin'd! The golden band is…

Among the village maidens gay, Thou are the lovely queen; Neatly deck'd in fine array, Yes, lovely ADELINE. Thy form is delicately fair, And artless is thy mein; And other charming graces rare, Adorn thee, ADELINE. The crimson rose that paints thy…

I AM weary of my life, I am tired of the earth,Of its dark sorrows and boisterous mirth,Of its changeful scenes, its uncertain joys,Its wo that frowns, and its pleasure that cloys,Of its dreams that delude the youthful breast:- Would that I could…

'Twas on that glad and glorious morn Rejoicing freemen love so well, A Chief, from distant Afric torn, Lay chain'd within his prison cell; And, as from troubled sleep he rose, His own, his country's burning woes, Rush'd on his soul, - and in his…

The sultry day is done! How joyouslyThe cooling breeze (that all day long has sleptIn thicket, grove and bow'r, or half awake,Has softly nestled on the fragrant breastOf violet or rose, pilf'ring their sweets)Springs from the mountain's top, with…

Alas! lovely hawthorn, how lately I gazedOn thy flourishing branches, all covered with bloom,So perfect their beauty, I paused while I praised,And inhaled from the gale their delicious perfume.Like the blush on a cloud, in the sun's parting beam,When…

Mark xiii. 37 - What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch. Life is a sea. - how fair its face, How smooth its dimpling waters pace, Its canopy how pure But rocks below, and tempests sleep, Insidious, o'er the glassy deep, Nor leave an hour…

Where flows the fountain silently, It blooms a lovely flower, Blue as the beauty of the sky, And speaks like kind fidelity, Through fortune's sun and shower - "Forget me not." 'Tis like thy starry eyes, more bright Than evening's proudest star, Like…

Upon the margin of a lake,Along the rocks that rudely break,The thousand rivulets and hills,That oozing from the mountain's browFall trembling to the lake below;A traveller rode in quaint array,A gallant steed of dappled a gray:Close to his side a…
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