Browse Items (752 total)

Pain's furnace heat within me quivers, God's breath upon the flame doth blow, And all my heart in anguish shivers, And trembles at the fiery glow; And yet I whisper as God will! And in its hottest fire hold still. He comes and lays my heart, all…

Oh harvest sun, serenely shining On waving fields and leafy bowers, On garden wall and latticed vine, Thrown brightly, as in by-gone hours. Oh ye sweet voices of the wind, Wooing our tears, in angel tones; Friends of my youth, shall I not weep? Ye…

I envy not the lily's grace, I fancy not the pale moonbeam, Not be it mine in [?] to trade The glory of poetic theme, The burning glow the tropies know, Inspires to me the midnight dream. I envy not the power and skill That makes the white man…

On! to the battle, on! Let none to linger dare; Who'd taste the joys of victory soon Must in the conflict share. On! to the battle, on! The ranks for all are free; Man in his morn, his eve, his noon, And woman, there should be. On! to the…

There is a peaceful home above, Where all who bear below The cross of Christ, is faith and love, As equal heirs may go. There is a fount, whose waters gush With life beyond the grave, Whereof the master will not blush To drink beside the…

Propitious be the gales that waft thee, To southern clime, to peaceful home, Thy smile, perhaps, may never greet me, Or friendship tempt thee, here again to roam. Could I but once more meet thine eye, That ever beam'd with fond delight, That kindly…

Jesus! the ladder of my faith Rests on the jasper walls of heaven; And through the veiling clouds I catch Faint visions of the mystic seven! The glory of the rainbowed throne Illumes those clouds like lambent flame; As once, on earth, Thy love…

It was clear and pleasant night -The moon and stars reflected bright -And all was still, and on the sea`Twas sweet and calm serenity -When, borne on by a gentle gale,I saw a vessel proudly sail,And on her deck a wretch I saw;On whom I gaz'd with pain…

"Man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?" Job, c. 14, v. 10. And where is he? not by the side Whose every want he lov'd to tend; Not on those vallies wand'ring wide, Where, sweetly lost, he oft would wend; That form belov'd he marks no…

"Dear beauteous death! the jewel of the just, Shining nowhere but in the dark, What mysteries do lie beyond thy dust, Could we outlook that mark!"
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