Browse Items (752 total)

When on a fragrant scandal tree The woodman's axe descends, And she, who bloomed so beauteously, Beneath the weapon bends. E'en on the edge that wrought her death,Dying she breathes her sweetest breath,As if to token in her fallPeace to her…

Dr. John Pierpont, at the Boston Anti-Slavery Fair, in 1842, being asked for his autograph, hastily dashed off the following:Onemouth andoneback to two hands is the law That the hand of his Maker has stamped upon man; But Slavery lays on God's…

My harp has long neglected laid, And very little music made; My Muse, at length, has fann'd the fire, And Freedom sweet attunes my lyre. FREEDOM's embalm'd in every heart, And oh! how loath with it we part! Pursu'd by all, by all desir'd, Caress'd by…

Far o'er our land extended wide,With one united voice,From hill and dale and mountain side,Let Freedom's sons rejoice.What glad tidings ring thro' the land of the West,What nation so happy as we -With peace and with plenty our Union is blest,Our land…

No blots on the banner of Light! No Slaves in the land of the Free! No Wrong should be rampant where all should be Right, No sin that is shameful to see! America,—show the wide world in thy strength How sternly determined thou art To cut from…

Behold against the western skyThe sacred banner waves on high;That banner which our race has borneA thousand years triumphant on,Gleaming through England's glorious days,Lightning our father's darkest ways,The beacon bright on Plymouth's night,The…

Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end, Living not dying, none were blest. Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the reign of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where…

There is a plant that never dies - 'Tis not of earth, but heaven; 'Tis ting'd with pure celestial dyes, Its odors wafted to the skies. By breeze or tempest driv'n; 'Tis not a tender, fragile thing - It strengthens with the storm; And 'midst the…

Of sorrow and distress;No friend, they say, for them is nigh,They must remain opprest.And will the Christian turn an earOf deafness to their moan!And have they then no kind Friend near,To listen to their groan?Must error's all-enchanting chainFor…

"We hath not words wherewith to vent The soul of agony, When every pang of feeling blent Burns in the averted eye!" We met as youths will ever meet, Ere their warm feelings die; Or cold neglect, or dark deceit, Have chill'd love's beaming…
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