Browse Items (752 total)

Ho, for the West! where virgin soilInvites the willing laborer's toil;Where lands as broad as either sea,The home of millions yet to be,Await the touch of hoe and share,Their dark brown richness to prepare,The seed to hold, the fruit to give;That…

Ho! thou traveller on life's highway, Moving carelessly along— Pausing not to watch the shadows Lowering o'er the mighty throng! Stand aside, and mark how feebly Some are struggling in the fight. Turning on thee wistful glances— Begging thee…

There is one bright enchanting spot, Where love and beauty glow, Which oft the glorious grace of God, Hath made a heaven below; And in that covenant-sheltered spot There is a radient gem, More precious far than ocean pearls, Or empire's…

Away from home my love, my wife! How slow the lingering moments roll! Nature with every charm is rife, And Autumn casts her solemn stole O'er glem and mountain, wood and plain. But home has charms of stronger spell, And voices which I feel…

"A star that sheds its mild control,Brightest when grief's dark cloud surrounds it;And pours a soft pervading ray,Life's ills can never chase away."

My early hopes - my early hopes, Where are ye now? and why With cypress have ye wreath'd my heart, And bade its blossoms die? I nurs'd my rose with dew of love, And warm'd it with my breath, And little reck'd with all my care 'Twould meet so quick a…

I asked the charmer, HOPE, to stay,And chase my hov'ring fears away;She faintly smil'd, and bade me showWhere Hope could rest her foot below.I look'd for strength to build her seat,Uprightness to uphold her feet,My mind display'd her utmost…

"There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." --- How beautiful, how beautiful, The land of promised calm, Where Sharon's roses ceaseless bloom, And Gilead's trees of balm; Where every tear is…

The mildest, prettiest little girl— Ah! woe is me!— Who ever wore her hair in curl, Was Rosalie. Her hazel eyes and hair of jet I put in rhyme; I loved her from the hour we met— O, happy time. On day I asked her, "Wi't thou wed?" Assent she…

human life.jpg
I stood by the towers of Ardenville,
And the bells rang out a joyous peal,
Loudly and merrily rang they then,
O'er field, and valley, and sylvan glen;
And each voice sounded gay as the forester's horn,
And each heart was glad: for an heiress was…
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