Browse Items (752 total)

How beautiful is age When tending to repose, Like a full ripened shock of corn: It to heaven's garner goes. Brother and friend of peace, We seek thy shade in vain: Yet clings thy memory to the lip, Of penury and pain. Thy name is on the…

Q. Flowers, wherefore do ye bloom?
A. We strew thy pathway to the tomb.

Q. Stars, wherefore do ye rise?
A. To light thy spirit to the skies.

Q. Fair moon, why dost thou wane?
A. That I may wax again.

Q. O sun, what makes thy beams so…

The queenly moon an artist seem, And paints, as if with magic touch, The midnight landscapes on the streams, And softens into angel dreams The scenes we love so much. The city, with its sparkling vanes, Like Mercy's fluttering wings, Seem hovering…

A glimmering haze upon the landscape rests;
The sky has on a softer robe of blue;
And the slant sunbeams glisten mildly through
The floating clouds that light their pearly crests
'Mid the pure currents of the upper air.
The fields are dress'd in…

Saviour, now the day is o'er,On a child thy blessing pour;Wash me in thy dying blood,Pardon my sin and make me good.Let my head lean on thy breast,While in sleep I sweetly rest;On me keep thy watchful eye,Lest I suffer, faint or die:Wake me in the…

Savior hear a little childOffer thee a morning prayer:Change my heart and make it mild,That all may see thy image there.Didst thou hear my evening prayer,And let me sleep upon thy breast?Was my health and life thy care.That in sleep I sweet did…

The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Jeremiah viii. 20. -----Praise to the God of harvest! praise!Who sent the blessed sunshine days,The early and the latter rain,The flower, the fruit, the waving grain.The vintage songs…

"One by one the objects of our affection depart from us. ----- Thou glorious Spirit-land! O, that I could behold thee as thou art, - the region of life, and light, and love, and the dwelling-place of those beloved ones, whose being has flowed onward…

Go forth my mite! and join the heap, That philanthropy bestows: Go save our Press, our friends go keep, In safety from all foes. Be not abashed - resign thy fear, That weak, and poor thou art: 'Twas honest labor brought thee here, 'Tis freedom…

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