Browse Items (752 total)

Let others boast of maidens fair,Of eyes of blue and golden hair;My heart like needle ever trueTurns to the maid of ebon hue.I love her form of matchless grace,The dark brown beauty of her face,Her lips that speak of love's delight,Her eyes that…

On breezy pinion mournful Eve came singing Over the silent hills, and to the glades, And violet-beds a stream of odours bringing, And waking music in the forest-shades; For 'twas the time when the lone cotter wending His silent way along the…

Slowly o'er his darkened features, Stole the warning shades of death; And we knew the shadowing angel Waited for his parting breath. He had started for his freedom, And his heart beat firm and high— But before he won the guerdon, Came the…

Slowly o'er his darkened features,Stole the warning shades of death;And we knew the shadowing angelWaited for his parting breath.He had started for his freedom;And his heart beat firm and high--But before he won the guerdon,Came the message--he must…

I saw him in the bloom of youth, Ere he had felt affliction's rod; He spurned the sacred book of truth, The glorious gospel of our God; And scorn'd the Almighty Power above, Whose eye creation's scope may scan; And read the source of hate or…

What hear I now? The sacred bells resound,What pious crowd in weeping stand around?For whom this funeral chant? - the flambeau's gloom?O death! is this thy voice that now doth breakUpon mine ear? Oh well! I shall awake Away beyond the tomb. Oh…

There's a whisper round my soul, father, And it tells me I must go, While my heart throbs back the answer, In beating so faint and low. I am sorry to leave you, father, I know you will miss me so, And the world, for you, will gather Such a…

It must be sweet in childhood to give back The spirit to its Maker, ere the heart Has grown familiar with the paths of sin, And sown, to garner up its bitter fruits. I knew a boy whose infant feet had trod Upon the blossoms of some seven springs, And…

Oh, mother dear, my lips are dry, And Bessy's hands are cold; - Mother, dear mother! help me nigh Your bosom - surely you can hold Your little boy. I will not cry, Nor ask again for drink or bread, If you will only let me lie Upon your breast,…

----- And fierce Oppression in my dream saw -- His victims bound in fetters at his feet: Their eyes bent to the ground - their faces dark, And deeply dyed with ebon, though the sun That branded deep his mark upon their face, Was rising on their land,…
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