Browse Items (752 total)

Death triumphs and there's no defence,The spirit leaves its clay, and journeys henceTo blissful immortality so sweet.Here friends and kindred spirits meet,'Tis human nature that compels a tear,To part with one we love so dear.We mourn not without…

Now autumn moves with chilling breath, And all her winds prevail, And you sweet flower whose hue is death Stands trembling in the gale; Leaf after leaf all withered shed, And scattered on the ground, And how the flower, the stem is dead Nor…

O people beloved, Wide scattered of old, Come back to the vineyard, Come back to the fold. Build up the waste places The altars of prayer, In the land of your fathers, For thy Bethel is there. From the south, oh ye chosen, From the east and…

Farewell, holy man, gone home to thy rest, - While o'er thee each friend of humanity weeps; And the children of grief thy philanthropy blest, Bend in silence around where the peace-maker sleeps. No more can the lonely and desolate heart Be…

Searcher of gold, whose days and nights All waste away in anxious care, Estranged from all of life's delights, Unlearned in all that is most fair - Who sailest not with easy glide, But delvest in the depths of tide, And strugglest in the foam…

They sing of Freedom! Afric's sons Their notes of joyance sing; And every hill and ever dale With Freedom's echoes ring! All sing - the children at their play, The laborers at their toil, They chant a merry roundelay, And bless the fertile…

Of sorrow and distress;No friend, they say, for them is nigh,They must remain opprest.And will the Christian turn an earOf deafness to their moan!And have they then no kind Friend near,To listen to their groan?Must error's all-enchanting chainFor…

Adieu to thee, Anna, for ever adieu, Adieu to each sweet recollection; I grieve most sincerely that ever I knew, A girl of such faithless affection. 'Tis in vain to repine, then no longer I'll weep, But indulge in a hope for the morrow, Each care…

His eye, which once with sparkling lustre shone,Was hollow, glazed and dim. The ruddy glowOf health had left his cheek, and paleness death-like.Had unsurp'd its place. His manly open brow,Impress'd with early grief's said signet, wore a…

The liquid chrystal glitters in thine eye,The pearly dew drop quivers on they cheek,Thy snowy bosom heaves the trembling sigh,What can they grief dispel? - Speak, Lady Speak!Thy ivory brow with thought is overcast,Thy dulcet accents tremulously…
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