Browse Items (752 total)

There's not a tint that paints the rose, Or decks the lilly fair, Or streaks the humblest flow'r that grows, But heaven has placed it there. At early dawn ther's not a gale, Across the landscape driven, And not a breeze that sweeps the…

Matt. xxv. 35 - 40. A poor, wayfaring man of grief Hath often crossed me on my way, Who sued so humbly for relief, That I could never answer "Nay." I had not power to ask his name, Whither he went, or whence he came; Yet there was something in…

SOFT are the fruitful flowers that spring The welcome promise of the spring, And soft the vernal gale; Sweet the wild warblings of the grove, The voice of nature and of love, That gladdens every vale. But softer, in the mourner's ear, Sounds the…

While yet the evening bell with dulcet tongueIn solemn peals upon the breeze is flung,Which sound like holy guardians of the airThat breathes around the house of praise and prayer;Affrightening by their overwhelming strainFar from the hallowed dome…

God said, "Let there be light!" Grim darkness felt his might, And fled away: Then startled seas, and mountains cold Shone forth all bright in blue and gold, And cried, "Tis day! tis day!" "Hail, holy light!" exclaim'd The thunderous crowd that…

Farewell to thee, sweet summer, Thou art almost past away, And wither'd are the roses, So lately fresh and gay; Of if in sunny bowers Some few may yet be found, They too soon will be faded, And scattered o'er the ground. Farewell to thee,…

Joy to Queen Victoria, Queen and ruler o'er us! Let the soaring music Rise in mighty chorus! God save Queen Victoria! England's young Victoria; May her motto ever be, "Pax libertas, Gloria!" Wisdom be her counselor; Truth her queenly glory!…

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." WEARY pilgrim, dost thou toil Friendless o'er earth's pathway here? Dost thou seek a better soil, Where approach not guilt and fear? Come to me, and I will guide To that every peaceful shore, Where the…

My Home's on the mountain, 'Mid fragrance and shade, Where gushes the fountain, In wild flowers arrayed; Where nature is sweetest, Unfashion'd by art, And winds wing their fleetest - A home of the heart. The bright summer's morning Breaks…

"Blessed are the dead who die in the LORD." REV. xiv. 3."These are they which came out of great tribulation." REC. vii. 14.FINISHED is thy strife, thy conflict's o'er,The eyes that wept are now to weep no more:GOD shall wipe away all tears in…
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