Browse Items (752 total)

If ever life should seem To thee a tedious way, And gladness cease to beam Upon the clouded day: If like the weary dove, O'er shoreless ocean driven, Raise thou think eye above - There's rest for thee in Heaven! But O, if thornless…

Shipmates, come, our toils are o'er - Haste to join the gathering throng: Think of stormy seas no more, But unite in glorious song: Sing the praise of Him who died, That our souls might ever be Through his mercy sanctified, …

Father, while the day-light dies,Hear our grateful voices riseFor the blessings that we share,For thy kindness and thy care,For the joy that fills our breast,And the love that makes us blest, We thank thee, Father. For an earthly father's…

O, how inestimably dear, The sweet possession of a friend! What can we find of all that are, From which such bliss, such joys descend! Riches may purchase for awhile The sycophant's fallacious grace - But when Fortune has ceased to smile, When…

The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad or them; And the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, And rejoice even with joy and singing; The glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it. The excellency of…

Come to me, gentle Sleep! I pine, I pine for thee! Come with thy spells, the soft, the deep, And set my spirit free! Each lonely burning thought In twilight languor steep; Come to the full heart, long o'er wrought, O! gentle, gentle…

This little book I'd rather own Than all the gold and gems That e'er in monarch's coffer shon, Than all their diadems. Nay, were the seas one chrysolite, The earth one golden ball, And diamonds all the stars of night This book were worth them…

How sad and forsaken Is that heavy heart, Where hope cannot waken, Nor sorrow depart! So sad and so lonely No inmate is there, Save one - and that only Is chilling despair. How sad is the slumber Long sufferings bring, Whose visions…

God is love - His mercy brightens All the path in which we rove; Bliss He makes, and wo He lightens - God is Wisdom - God is Love. Change and chance are busy ever, May decays, and ages move; But His mercy waneth never - God is Wisdom - God is…

Think of our country's glory, All dimm'd with Afric's tears - Her broad flag stain'd and gory With the hoarded guilt of years! Think of the frantic mother, Lamenting for her child, Till falling lashes smother Her cries of anguish wild! Think…
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