Browse Items (752 total)

O muse, attune my lyre sweet, The moments to beguile; Oh, endite a sonnet meet, To BEAUTY'S placid smile. Care may prey upon the heart, And make it bleed awhile, But, how transient is the smart, When BEAUTY beams a smile. Doom'd in distant climes to…

Oh, tell me not that I love too wellThe legends of ancient days to trace;And blame me not when I fondly dwellOn the fabled deeds of the fairy race.When my spirit has mourned over hopes grown cold,How dear have these tales of enchantment been;For it…

Is it his daily toil that wrings From the slave's bosom, that deep sigh? Is it niggard fare that brings That tear into his down-cast eye? O, no - by toil and humble fare Earth's sons their strength - their glory gain. It is because the slave…

Oh! Hail the auspicious morn, That doth so bright appear; Rejoicing greet the opening dawn Of the new budding Year. May happiness, health and peace Attend my Patrons dear; May domestic bliss increase, Thro' this new rising year. May virtues new, and…

O Camalu - green Camalu! 'Twas there I fed my father's flock, Beside the mount where cedars threw At dawn their shadows from the rock; There tended I my father's flock Along the grassy-margined rills, Or chased the bounding bontebok With hound…

'Twas on that glad and glorious morn Rejoicing freemen love so well, A Chief, from distant Afric torn, Lay chain'd within his prison cell; And, as from troubled sleep he rose, His own, his country's burning woes, Rush'd on his soul, - and in his…

"Now I saw in my dream, that the highway which Christian was to go, was fenced on either side with a wall, and that wall was called Salvation; Isaiah 26; 1. Up this way, therefore, did burdened Christian run, but not without great difficulty, because…

Flow on, loved brook, flow on, Thy ripping song finds voice In every sigh I breathe unto thy keeping, In every joy that to my heart comes leaping Sweet brook, I love they voice, Sing on, my love, sing on. Flow on, loved brook, flow on, Thy…

Here's health to the ladies at hame,Here's health to the ladies awa'And wha winna pledge it wi' a' their soulMay they ne'er be smiled on at a'.It's guid to be pretty and fair,It's guid to be smilin' like you;It's guid to be stealin' the gentlemen's…

Farewell mother! - tears are streaming Down thy tender, pallid check! I, in gems and roses gleaming, On eternal sunshine dreaming, Scarce this sad farewell may speak; Farewell, mother! now I leave thee, And thy love - unspeakable. - One to cherish -…
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