Browse Items (752 total)


They have told me that thou art Not what thy lips have told, But a fickle thing, whose heart Is as vain as it is cold. They have told me that in turn, Pride and envy rule thy breast; That to-morrow thou wilt spurn, What to-day thou convetest; Tell me…

Is't well to bruise the heart that loves thee well? Is't well to give for kindness veiled hate? Is't well to war 'gainst all-conquering Fate? So much it is for thee to know and tell! For me, through all the years, alone, I wait, Happy, when most…

O people beloved, Wide scattered of old, Come back to the vineyard, Come back to the fold. Build up the waste places The altars of prayer, In the land of your fathers, For thy Bethel is there. From the south, oh ye chosen, From the east and…

Give! as the morning that flows out of heaven;Give! as the waves when their channel is riven;Give! as the free air and sunshine are given; Lavishly, utterly, joyfully give. Not the waste drops of thy cup overflowing,Not the faint sparks of thy…

Though swiftly Time, with rapid wings, Has borne us from old scenes we knew, Yet memory oft the picture brings In glowing colors back to view; Thus early friends remember when They first as schoolboys met in play, And yet, though years have…

James Montgomery poet.jpg

Sion, thine eye beheld and wept too late O'er tower and temple crumbling in decay, The crashing column and the falling gate; - And saw the deadly paleness of dismay The faces of they trembling priests' array, And high-born maids and matrons…

And thou art eight years old to-day?
How swiftly pass the years away!
Thy life has been a happy dream,
As bright as any bright sunbeam.
And may each birthday bring to thee
The gladness thou hast brought to me.
May length of years be thine to…

I. Of all my race there breathes not one To comfort or deplore me; Pain wakes a pulse in every bone, And death is closing o'er me. Still doth his lifter stroke delay, Protracted tortures dooming, I feel, ere life has pass'd away, His very…
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