Browse Items (752 total)

The Sabbath day has passed, and night
Her sable mantle over all had spread.
The silent pavement, now deserted quite,
Gave back to mortal ear no echoing tread.
The lordly master and the trembling slave,
The poor, proud youth, who scorns his…

Joy to Queen Victoria, Queen and ruler o'er us! Let the soaring music Rise in mighty chorus! God save Queen Victoria! England's young Victoria; May her motto ever be, "Pax libertas, Gloria!" Wisdom be her counselor; Truth her queenly glory!…

"Twas sunset upon Spain. The sky of JuneBent o'er her airy hills, and on their tops,The mountain cork-trees caught the fading lightOf a resplendent day. The painter threwHis pencil down, and with a glance of prideUpon his beautiful and finished…

Hush! let the baby sleep! Mark her hand so white and slender,Note her red lip, full and tender,And her breathing, like the motionWhich the waves of calmest ocean In their peaceful throbbing keep. Hush! let the baby rest! Who would wake from…

Oh! ask not, hope thou not too much Of sympathy below; Few are the hearts whence one same touch Bids the sweet fountain flow; Few - and by still conflicting powers Forbidden here to meet:- Such lies would make this life of ours Too fair for aught so…

Delightful spot! sweet resting place, Where weary ones may lay their head; Where Beauty lifts her rosy face Around the tomb, and o'er the dead: - Proclaiming that the gentle thoughts Of love and friendship here may thrill: That reverent memory…

Heard ye the whisper of the breeze, As soft it murmured by, Amid the shadowy forest trees? It tells, with meaning sigh, Of the bowers of bliss on that viewless shore, Where the weary spirit shall sin no more. While sweet and low in crystal…

When Israel was in Egypt's land, O, Let my people go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand, O, Let my people go! CHORUS—O go down, Moses Away down to Egypt's land. And tell king Pharaoh To let my people go! Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses…

As fleeting as the morning cloud,That moves in fearful silence by,As changeful as the hues that shrowdThe summer's evening sky;Shifting with every pulse of air -Just such is life - as false as fair.But it has joys that never fail,As deep, and pure,…

Oh, life! I breathe thee in the breeze, I feel thee bounding in my veins, I see thee in these stretching trees, These flowers, this still rock's mossy stains. This stream of odors flowing by From clover-field and clumps of pine, This music,…
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