Browse Items (752 total)

Day breaks triumphant o'er the deep And laughs the shades of night away! Onward the waves resplendent sweep, And mountain streams flash back the ray! Then burst from bough and kindling air, A thousand wild enchanting lays; Till forest depth and…

I've thrown the bowl aside. For me no more shall flow Its rudder stream or sparkling tide, How bright so o'er it glow; I've seen extending wide Its devastating away, Seen reason yield its power to guide - I've cast the bowl away! O, ne'er…

They sing of Freedom! Afric's sons Their notes of joyance sing; And every hill and ever dale With Freedom's echoes ring! All sing - the children at their play, The laborers at their toil, They chant a merry roundelay, And bless the fertile…

What hear I now? The sacred bells resound,What pious crowd in weeping stand around?For whom this funeral chant? - the flambeau's gloom?O death! is this thy voice that now doth breakUpon mine ear? Oh well! I shall awake Away beyond the tomb. Oh…

God gave to Afric's sons A brow of sable dye, And spread the country of their birth Beneath a burning sky; And with a cheek of olive, made The little Hindoo child, And darkly stain'd the forest tribes That roam our Western wild. To me he gave…

List, list, the notes of anguish From yonder arid plains, Where millions groan and languish 'Neath slavery's galling chains. To Heaven, with look imploring, They urge their earnest prayer, With humble hearts adoring The God that reigneth…

On breezy pinion mournful Eve came singing Over the silent hills, and to the glades, And violet-beds a stream of odours bringing, And waking music in the forest-shades; For 'twas the time when the lone cotter wending His silent way along the…

Source of all light and joy and life! Creator of each starry sphere, That o'er me on the arch of night Gleams like a diamond soft and clear; Oh, as I gaze transported now On yonder blue, resplendent dome, Deign but to hear my prayer, that…

Father of all, this Sabbath night My soul, I'll lift to thee, - I pray that thou wilt guide me right, 'Till I am call'd to eternity. Forbid, O Father! that I should stray From thy most just command - Lord sin abounds here every day, Altho' at…

THY cage is open'd bird - too well I love thee To bar the sunny things of earth from thee: A whole broad heaven of blue lies calm above thee, The green wood waves beneath and thou art free. These slender wires shall prison thee no more - Up,…
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