Browse Items (752 total)

What matters if the world be wrong or right,
The wrong to-day to-morrow brings to sight,
O'er all supreme the one and only right.
The problem's past my solving, hapless wight,
I only know I'm tired, quench the light,
To all the universe, good…

A doubt obscured my fondest hope, Intangible as are forgotten dreams; T'was but the shade through which the heart must grope, Ere on it Love doth shed her ardent beams.

Deep down in thy dark eyes
A world of longing lies
Of sweet desire,
Of hopes, of doubts, of fears,
And just a trace of tears
Quenched by the fire
Of love's perpetual glow,
Of passion's ebb and flow,
As they arise
In thy dark eyes.

Whose is you sable bier Why move the throng so slow? Why doth that lonely mother's tear In sudden anguish flow? Why is that sleeper laid To rest in manhood's pride? How gain'd his check such pallid shade? I spake, - but none replied. The hoarse wave…

I have seen the stars at sunset
Scattered o'er the western sky,
Peeping through the crimson cloud bars,
Beautiful unto the eye,
And I've seen the watermelon,
Crimson, seed decked, coated green,
Filled with cool, delicious sweetness,
Fit to…

I dreamed last nightThat ballots fell like rain;That boxes overflowedAnd filled again;That joy expanded every manly breastAnd Fassett's name was leading all the rest.I dreamed the pollsWere crowded all the day;That waiting onesReluctant turned…

Oh, the gleam and the glitter, the glint and the glow,
The gurgle and gush, the growl and the go,
The ripple and rage, the rush and the roar,
Of the surges that roll on the sandy seashore,
Of the isle, Coney Isle,
Where there's many a thing to…

Summer's lovely foliage
Will soon be past and gone.
And the autumn's luscious fruitage,
We then may gaze upon.
Then the youths will think of marriage;
And the lovely maiden fair
Will seek perchance to manage
To crimp or bang her hair.

The occurrence her related took place during the great conflagration in New York, December 16, 1835. It was a fearful night, The strong flame fiercely sped From street to street, from spire to spire. And on their treasures fed; Hark! - 'tis a…
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