Browse Items (752 total)

Time is drawing nearer, nearer, While our heads are turning gray; Tears are falling on life's mirror Every day! Time is closing beauty's portals, Flowers are blooming to decay; Fate is delving graves for mortals Every day! While our…

Under the wave!Keel that has girt its furrow round the world,Canvas to every ocean breeze unfurled,Cordage that rang like harp-strings to the blast,Lithe spars that bent and struggled as it past,Like wrestler's braveInto the surging gulf of waters…

Set the sail and trim the boat, Softly blow the breezes; Let the light bark onward float, Where the zephyr pleases. Though the mountain's ponderous brow, Casts its shadow o'er us; Yet the valley's sunny glow, Is beaming bright before us. See,…

"Bright effluence of bright essence increate! Before the sun, before the heavens, thou wert!" MILTON. I. From the quickened womb of the primal gloom The sun rolled black and bare, Till I wove him a vest for his Ethiop breast, Of the threads of…

Oh harvest sun, serenely shining On waving fields and leafy bowers, On garden wall and latticed vine, Thrown brightly, as in by-gone hours. Oh ye sweet voices of the wind, Wooing our tears, in angel tones; Friends of my youth, shall I not weep? Ye…

Days of my youth! ye have glided away; Hairs of my youth! ye are frosted and gray; Eyes of my youth! your keen sight is no more; Cheeks of my youth! ye are furrow'd all o'er; Strength of my youth! all your vigour is gone; Thoughts of my youth! your…

Oh! tell me not of years that are past, The present let me know; Recall not all that's fled so fast, In life's quick changing flow, Tell me not of the gay wrought scenes, We've known in days of yore, Oh cease to think, they ere have been, Like…

I. O COLDLY gleams the setting sun, And the dews of eve are chill; The flood is in the valley, And the mist upon the hill. November's blast comes sweeping Through the forest lone and sere - And the waning year goes creeping, To her cold and…

Farewell - we go! we go! "Brethren, tell us whiter? " Murmuring long and low, In her heathen woe, Asia calls us thither! Sad Afric loads the gale With her prayerful weeping; For the mission sail, Till the stars prevail, Still her lone watch…

Daughter of faith, and was it thineSo rich a dower to gain,As blessing on thy silent wayFrom lips of care and pain?Thus didst thou walk on earth, who nowArt with the angel train!While in thy Savior's work below,Thy willing footsteps moved,Till want…
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