Browse Items (752 total)

How sad and forsaken Is that heavy heart, Where hope cannot waken, Nor sorrow depart! So and so lonely No inmate is there, Save one - and that only Is chilling Despair. How sad is the slumber Long sufferings bring, Whose visions outnumber The woes…

Farewell mother! - tears are streaming Down thy tender, pallid check! I, in gems and roses gleaming, On eternal sunshine dreaming, Scarce this sad farewell may speak; Farewell, mother! now I leave thee, And thy love - unspeakable. - One to cherish -…

Oh! ask not, hope thou not too much Of sympathy below; Few are the hearts whence one same touch Bids the sweet fountain flow; Few - and by still conflicting powers Forbidden here to meet:- Such lies would make this life of ours Too fair for aught so…

-------- A land of peace, Where yellow fields unspoil'd, and pastures green,Mottled with herds and flocks, who crop secureTheir native herbage, nor have ever known A stranger's stall, smile gladly. See through its tufted alleys to Heaven's roof The…

"We hath not words wherewith to vent The soul of agony, When every pang of feeling blent Burns in the averted eye!" We met as youths will ever meet, Ere their warm feelings die; Or cold neglect, or dark deceit, Have chill'd love's beaming…

AIR - "Good morrow to your night-cap." Behave yoursel' before folk, Behave yoursel' before folk, And dinna be sae rude to me, As kiss me sae before folk.It wadna gi'e me meikle pain,  Gin we were scen and heard by name, To tak' a kiss, or grant you…

Hail, the enrapturing Jubilee! Tis fifty years today, Since this great nation was made free From despotism's sway. While music, bells and cannons peal, To hail the festive day, The thoughts within my bosom steal, Of helpless - Africa! Now.…

"Black, I am, oh! daughters fair,"
But my beauty is most rare;
Black, indeed, appears my skin,
Beauteous, comely, all within:
Black when by affliction press'd,
Beauteous, when in Christ I rest;
Black, by sins defiling flood,
Beauteous, wash'd…


Why gaze ye on my hoary hair, Ye children young and gay? Your locks beneath the blast of care, Will bleach as white as they. I had a mother once, like you, Who o'er my pillow hung, Kiss'd from my cheek the briny dew, And taught my faultering…
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