Browse Items (752 total)

Ho, every one that thirsteth: See ye where the waters flow, Gleaming, gleaming, O how brightly! In the blessed sunshine's glow? Not a ripple swells their surface, Not a stain dark earth hath given, Not an image meets their pureness, Save the…

Oh God! how beautiful is earth In sunlight or in shade: Her forests with their waving arch Her flowers that gem the glade. Her hillocks, white with [f?] flocks, Her fields with grain that glow, Her sparkling rivers, deep and broad, That…

Pain's furnace heat within me quivers, God's breath upon the flame doth blow, And all my heart in anguish shivers, And trembles at the fiery glow; And yet I whisper as God will! And in its hottest fire hold still. He comes and lays my heart, all…

Give! as the morning that flows out of heaven;Give! as the waves when their channel is riven;Give! as the free air and sunshine are given; Lavishly, utterly, carelessly give! Not the waste drops of thy cup overflowing,—Not the faint sparks of thy…

SWEET music in the wave-worn ear! It is the seaman's cry, When the first speck of home-land near Breaks on the eager eye; Then, loud as lip the news can spread, The top-mast man shouts - "Land a-head!" O, as those gladsome tidings speed Down…

When Goethe was told that he was about to die, he folded his arms calmly, and said, "Let the light enter." Light, more light! the shadows deepen, And my life is ebbing low; Throw the windows widely open— Light, more light, before I go. Softly let…

Mark xiii. 37 - What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch. Life is a sea. - how fair its face, How smooth its dimpling waters pace, Its canopy how pure But rocks below, and tempests sleep, Insidious, o'er the glassy deep, Nor leave an hour…

Like an ocean breeze afloat,In a little pearly boat -Pearl within, and round about,And a silken streamer out.Over the sea, over the sea.Merrily, merrily saileth he!Not for battle, not for pelf,But to pleasure his own self,Sails he on for many a…

Under the oaks of Sempach The Switzers knelt in prayer And sware upon their sword hilts, The oath their fathers sware. Under the oaks of Sempach , Their fathers swords they bared, And dared the powers of Slavery Their valiant fathers…

A truly affecting and instructive incident, which can hardly fail to come home to one's bosom with salutary force."Mother," said a little sick son, about four years of age, "will you pray? - I can't say 'Our Father' now."----Pray, mother, pray, for…
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