Browse Items (752 total)

Sigh, for pleasure, thou may'st find herIn connubial joys alone'Friends may smile, but there's a kinder,Greets thee with a sweeter tone.On life's billows when thou'rt tossing,Man, the night were dark and drear,Did not thy beams, Oh, woman…

Adieu to the land of my childhood. adieu!The last sigh of feeling swells fondly to you:Though thy bright sunny hills no longer are near,Though distant, I love thee, thou'lt ever be dear.But I ne'er shall revisit that dear spot again,Where love, joy,…

Ye banks, ye vallies, and ye groves,Ye streams that murmur near the spot,When sweetly fled my youthful days,Ye never sure shall be forgot.Though far from you, by fortune tostAround this changing world of sorrow,The thought of scenes long past and…

Oh let me die in my primal day, While my morning sun with brightness shines, Ere this cold world chase my joys away, Ere the blushing flower of life declines. Oh let me die while life is young, While feelings live and the passions play - While the…

I remember, I remember
The house where I was born,
The little window, where the sun
Came peeping in, at morn;
He never came a wink too soon,
Nor brought too long a day;
But now, I often wish the night
Had borne my breath away!

I remember, I…

My life is like the summer rose, That opens to the morning sky, But ere the shades of evening close, Is scatter'd on the ground to die, Yet on the rose's humble bed, The sweetest dew of night are shed, As if she wept such waste to see, But none shall…

There is a song - How wildly sweet, we never may forget. It seals along Ere the cold tumult of the world is met; It tells of hearts more gay and forms more fair Than ever crossed us in life's wilderness, And many a form of loveliness is…

"Man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?" Job, c. 14, v. 10. And where is he? not by the side Whose every want he lov'd to tend; Not on those vallies wand'ring wide, Where, sweetly lost, he oft would wend; That form belov'd he marks no…

Full eighteen hundred years or more I've kept my doors securely tied, There is no "little angel" strayed. Nor has been missing all the while. I did not sleep, as you supposed, Nor leave the door of Heaven ajar: Nor has a "little angel"…

Bowing adorers of the gale, Ye cowslips delicately pale, Upraise your loaded stems; Unfold your cups in splendor, speak! Who decked you with that ruddy streak, And gilt your golden gems? Violets, sweet tenants of the shade, In purple's richest…
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