Browse Items (752 total)

The sultry day is done! How joyouslyThe cooling breeze (that all day long has sleptIn thicket, grove and bow'r, or half awake,Has softly nestled on the fragrant breastOf violet or rose, pilf'ring their sweets)Springs from the mountain's top, with…

Cotton is king, high priest of Mammon, Ruling the nation with imperial sway; His will is law, all else is gammon— The people murmur, but murmuring obey. 'Tis strange to notice how a simple thing, Pregnant with force potential, yet…

Another week's forever gone, With all the years beyond the flood, Yet we are spar'd, this sacred morn, To come, and praise, and learn of God. Parents, and youth, and children dear, In sabbath school we constant meet, Regardless of complexion…

I asked old time and the spheres,To answer this question so high;Days, months, and the swift rolling yearsBut neither gave any replyI stood on a steep precipice,And call'd to the surges below,If ocean could answer me this?Its hoarse billows murmured…

"Bright effluence of bright essence increate! Before the sun, before the heavens, thou wert!" MILTON. I. From the quickened womb of the primal gloom The sun rolled black and bare, Till I wove him a vest for his Ethiop breast, Of the threads of…

I wish I was again a child, To gambol on my native sward, To roam amid the woodly wild, And climb the jutting rocks so hard. How swift the winged moments then! How light of heart when school was o'er, I shelved the satchel, book and pen, The…

Toussaint, the most unhappy of men! Whether the whistling rustic tends his plough, Within thy hearing, or thou liest now Buried in some deep dungeon's carless den;—O, miserable chieftain! where and when Wilt thou find patience? Yet, die not! Do…

Ah! let not aught amiss within disposeA noble mind to practice on herself,And tempt opinion to support the wrongsOf passion: whatsoe'er be felt or feared,From higher judgment-seats make no appealTo lower: can you question that the soulInherits an…

To speak thy praise, be mine - brave Washington -Thou for thy country hast the laurel won.Heaven raised thee up, and sent thee to the field. -Thy country's foes at last were forced to yield.Wisdom and zeal were both in thee combined. -Thine was a…

Ask of the rolling spheres that fly In the deep blue skies away, Far as creation's boundary, What sceptre ye obey? And they shall sing in their loudest strain, - On, on - we wear no tyrant's chain. Ask of the winds before whose might The clouds in…
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