Browse Items (752 total)

'Tis done, and shivering in the gale,The bark unfurls her snowy sail,And whistling o'er the bending mast,Loud sings on high the freshning blast;And must you from this land be gone,In Afric's burning clime to roam?As some lone bird without a mate,Thy…

Remember Me Yes, dear one, to the envied train Of those around, thy moments pay; But wilt thou never kindly deign To think of him that's far away? Thy form - thine eye - thine angel smile, For weary years I may not see; But wilt thou not, sometimes…

I. Sweet slumbering babe! that breath'st so soft and low, Encircled in thy mother's shielding arm; Thy life's mild current, just begun to flow, Is not more strangely new, or purely warm, Than those parental sympathies, now stirred In nature's…

[It is a beautiful conceit, that when a baby smiles in its sleep it is talking with the angels.] Tell me, did the angels greet thee! Greet my darling when she smiled? Did they whisper softly, gently, Pleasant words unto my child? Did they whisper…

I passed, one autumn morn, a wanderer in the wood,His large sade eyes peered on the ground, his feet the dead leaves strewedAnd the hazy Indian summer fell on the woodland drear,And not unlike the wanderer's heart, the world was sad and sear;But…

Stand firm, John Brown, till your fate is o'er, For the world, with an anxious eye, Looks on as it seldom loked before, As the hour of your doom draws night. Stand firm, John Brown! Dread not the blow that a coward deals, And fear not the…

Hail! land of Leonidas still, Though Moslems encircle thy shore; And swear in their vengeance to fill The cup of thy destiny o'er. Yet quail not, descendants of those, The heroes of Marathon's plain; Better lay where your fathers repose, Than wear…

I'd willing take the harp once more,And strike its soul inspiring lays,Its melody should o'er and o'er,Responsive answer all thy praise.But no, its chords, I may not wake,For faint and sad would be the strain;The tones so mournful, now that…

Thank God! that thou hast spoken Words earnest, true, and brave: The lightning of thy lips has smote The fetters of the slave. I thought the shadows deepened, Round the pathway of the slave, As one by one his faithful friends Were dropping in…

I gaze upon that lovely cheek, By beauty's seal imprest, But dare not let my glances speak The love that thrills my breast; For ah! too well, too well I know Thou never canst be mine; I gaze - and tears unbidden flow Yea, tears, my Caroline! I love…
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