Browse Items (752 total)

The God of harvest praise; In loud thanksgivings, raise Hand, heart, and voice; The valleys laugh and sing, Forests and mountains ring, The plains their tribute bring, The streams rejoice. Of food for man and beast, Jehovah spreads a…

The world, dear John, as the folks told us, Is a world of trouble and care; Many a cloud of grief will enfold us, And the sunshine of grief is but rare. But there's something yet to be bright and blest in, No matter how humble the lot; The…

HIGH amid the mountain ridges I have clim'b, and stand alone, Where the mist the torrent bridges In a world of stream and stone. Dark ravines, and summits boary, Downward steeps that scare the view, Blocks whose sculpture hides a story Human…

I've lost my little May at last; She perished in the spring, When earliest flowers began to bud, And earliest birds to sing; I laid her in a country grav, A green and soft retreat, A marble tablet o'er her head, And violets at her feet. I…

Jesus! the ladder of my faith Rests on the jasper walls of heaven; And through the veiling clouds I catch Faint visions of the mystic seven! The glory of the rainbowed throne Illumes those clouds like lambent flame; As once, on earth, Thy love…

"Carry me across!" The Syrian heard, rose up, and braced His huge limbs to the accustomed toil;"My child, see how the waters boil!The nights-black heavens look angry-faced; But life is little loss. "I'll carry thee with joy, If needs…

Little white hands, Pale, pleading face, Beseeching, imploring— O! piteous case! Hear the harsh answer— See the rough blow; Mad, like a torrent, The bitter tears flow. A demon the man, An angel the wife; Ill-mated, ill-fated— Death wedded…

A traveler through a dusty road Strewed acorns on the lea; And one took root and sprouted up, And grew into a tree. Love sought its shade at evening time, To breathe its early vows, And Age was pleased, in heats of noon, To bask beneath its…

Beyond the smiling and the weeping, I shall be soon; Beyond the waking and the sleeping, I shall be soon; Love, rest, and home, Sweet home! Lord, tarry not, but come. Beyond the blooming and the fading, I shall be soon; Beyond the…

TUNE—"For a' that, and a' that." Is there, for honest poverty, That hangs his head, and a' that; The coward slave, we pass him by; We daur be puir for a' that. For a' that, and a' that, Our toils obscure, and a' that, The rank is but the guinea…
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