Browse Items (752 total)

Hail! land of Leonidas still, Though Moslems encircle thy shore; And swear in their vengeance to fill The cup of thy destiny o'er. Yet quail not, descendants of those, The heroes of Marathon's plain; Better lay where your fathers repose, Than wear…

Oh, Judith! had our lot been cast In that remote and simple time When, shepherd swains, thy fathers passed From dreary wilds and deserts vast' To Judah's happy clime, - My song upon the mountain rocks, Had echoed oft thy rural charms: And I had…

Ye banks, ye vallies, and ye groves,Ye streams that murmur near the spot,When sweetly fled my youthful days,Ye never sure shall be forgot.Though far from you, by fortune tostAround this changing world of sorrow,The thought of scenes long past and…

"My Country, my Country! - O, there is a charmAnd spell, in that sound, which must every heart warm;Let us burn at the line, let us freeze at the pole,Pronounce but the sound, and it thrills through the soul.And where lies the charm in that all…

Thou hast passed away, as the flower that bloom'd In the light of the morning sun; When evening came with its chilly gloom, Like the flower thy course was run. We gazed on thee in the pride of youth, When thy heart was light and gay; And could not…

"The heavens, O Lord! Thy power proclaim,And the earth echoes back, Thy Name;Ten thousand voices speak Thy might,And day to day, and night to night,Utter Thy praise! - Thou Lord above!Thy praise - Thy glory - and Thy love.All things I see, or hear,…

Weep, Emeline, weep,And no tongue shall reprove thee;Weep, Emeline, weepFor the friends that did live thee.The flowers in the lightOf the sunshine are blooming;But the checks that were bright,In the grave are consuming.The birds on the treesSing as…

An African Prince on his arrival in England being asked what he had given for his watch, answered, "What I would never give again - I gave a fine boy." When avarice enslaves the mind, And selfish views alone bear away, Man turns a savage to his…

TO S.P.G. Esq. Lo! for this dark terrestrial ball Forsakes his azure-paved hall A prince of heav'nly birth! Divine Humanity, behold, What wonders rise, what charms unfold At his descent to earth! The bosoms of the great and good With wonder and…

Attend my lays, ye ever honour'd mine,Assist my labours, and my strains refine,In smoothest numbers pour the notes along,For bright Aurora now demands my song.Aurora, hail, and all the thousands dies,Which deck thy progress through the vaulted…
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