Browse Items (752 total)

There fell a shadow of a thought across my way,
Deep set and strangely out of shape with things
About me here, - 'tis but a cloud which Day
Hath brought to chide before Love's joy she sings.

What matter if the world be right or wrong, The wrong to-day, to-morrow brings to sight, Or else the right supreme and strong. But stop, I am aweary, quench the light, Life's problems is beyong my hapless song, I dream to nothingness - to self -…

Ah, Fancy, what a prank you've played me, To make me dream of fate assured You should have said she did not want me, Just think, I may've the other girl secured.

A dreamer? Yes. Why not? You have your way.
You think, perhaps you even dream. I know
Not if you dream like me; but whether so
Or otherwise, have you ne'er felt the day
Steal to your heart and bring the light and play
Of incompleted want? Hath…

In my ladys silken hair,
Nestling low in fragrance there,
Slept a flower, a bud of May,
Soft and pure as breath of day,
Greeting morn before the sun
Has his waking well begun.
And I wonder if my love
Is a vision from above;
If the angels gave…

Suppose the Day should wake some mornAnd find the Sun had left the skyTo Night, would she take wing and flyTo bring him back to hearts forlorn?Suppose the Night should come some eveAnd find the Stars had left the skyTo Day, would she take wing and…

A jaunty, tidy, sober lot ye are,
My lordly innocents. A bumper to
Your health I drink. I would that skies deep blue
In friendship's light be ever thine, thy star
Of hope be Truth, thy fondest dreams no bar
To block thy way to fame. If winds…

A friend in need? Ah, yes - I know - you mean,
My boy, that something which all men have sought
In one way or another: still, they've caught
It not. A phantom's fitting form you've seen,
Some sad, wild Winter's night, when you have been

A wild, wild chase it is that Love gives man,But where's the man who would not take the run? --- It's something more to give them 'tis to take,At least most men I've met complain 'tis so. --- I love the world because 'tis good I should,And yet I…

Too long I've waited here For thee, my love, the light Of evening star hath lent the spell And dream of its sweet beauty to the song Of night so long a while, the spell Doth wake my sighs, my light, I've waited here Too long.
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