Browse Items (752 total)

O empty sound, so fraught with woe, What dost thou come to pest me so - Why trouble me at all? Whene'er I would my troubles hide, Whatever else hath left my side, Thou needst not a call. Thou hoverest near against my will, Through sunshine and…

I'll ask one simple question - There stands a man created by the GodThat form'd the arch of heaven - that made the sea -The teeming earth, and every living thing,And when his word was done, pronounced it good. God is a righteous God! That man…

Singst thou of love, my pretty bird, Singst thou of love? Thy melody my heart has stirred. Singst thou of love? Thy ovice doth fill th morning airWith notes of restful song that bearA message that methinks I've heardBefore. Singst thou of love,…

A SOUTH AFRICAN BORDER BALLAD.--- A TRUE STORY. ---BY THOMAS PRINGE,A noble-hearted Scotchman, who resided some time in South Africa. We met in the midst of the Neutral Ground,'Mong the hills where the buffalo's haunts are found;And we joined in…

The moon is risen on the hill; The stars in glorious beauty shine; The hosts of heaven and earth are still, As silenced by a power divine; Nor more the western skies display The ruby tints of parting day. It is a calmly sacred hour, When half…

Across my path a sunbeam gently lies; I know not whence it came - I think I know, But, as I watch its glories come and go It fades away! Whither then? Into the skies? I seek to follow it, with blinking eyes, Wh[?]e things immortal [?] and…

While yet the evening bell with dulcet tongueIn solemn peals upon the breeze is flung,Which sound like holy guardians of the airThat breathes around the house of praise and prayer;Affrightening by their overwhelming strainFar from the hallowed dome…

Father, guide me! Day declines,Hollow winds are in the pines;Darkly waves each giant boughO'er the sky's last crimson glow;Hush'd is now the convent's bell,Which erewhile with breezy swell,From the purple mountains boreGreeting to the…

Upon the margin of a lake,Along the rocks that rudely break,The thousand rivulets and hills,That oozing from the mountain's browFall trembling to the lake below;A traveller rode in quaint array,A gallant steed of dappled a gray:Close to his side a…

O, how inestimably dear, The sweet possession of a friend! What can we find of all that are, From which such bliss, such joys descend! Riches may purchase for awhile The sycophant's fallacious grace - But when Fortune has ceased to smile, When…
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