Browse Items (752 total)

I'll hie to the westward, my own native home, On the breast of the dark rolling river; My light bark shall dance o'er its water in foam, With the force that a strong arm can give her. I'll hie to the west, to the land of my birth, And revisit the…

The year is young; and hope withinOur hearts is gently stirred,As is the breast - upon her nest -Of tender mother bird.Harsh fate checked ambition's flightAnd fears our hearts have filled;And all ahead seemed dark and dead,As blighting fate had…

ALL night the booming minute-gun Had peal'd along the deep, And mournfully the rising sun Looked o'er the tide-worn steep. A bark from India's coral strand, Before the raging blast, Had vail'd her topsails to the sand, And bow'd her noble…

If all our hopes and all our fears Were prisoned in life's narrow bound; If travelers through this vale of tears, We saw no better world beyond; Oh! what could check the rising sigh? What earthly thing could pleasure give? Oh! who would venture…

Have you ever stood in the crowded street, In the glare of the fitful lamp, And marked the tread of the million feet In their quaintly musical tramp? As the surging throng move to and fro, 'Tis a pleasant sight, I ween, To mark the figures that…

There is a book, who runs may read, Which heavenly truth imparts, And all the lore its scholars need, Pure eyes and Christian hearts. The works of God above, below, Within us and around, Are pages in that book, to show How God himself is…

Some years ago, when I was young, And filled with hope and pride and folly, Ere sorrow came, and o'er me flung Its gloomy pall of melancholy, I had a friend of just my years, I loved him with deep devotion; His griefs and joys, his hopes and…

To music's sweet measure in couples they whirl,Tattooing the floor as they circle and curl;The toes of the ladies go tippity-tip,The heels of the gentlemen rippity-rip,All making a Babel of noise by their jumps,Like hoppity, skippity, thumpity…

Rear on high the scaffold-altar! all the world will turn to see.How a man has dared to suffer that his brothers may be free!Rear it on some hill-side looking north and south and east and westWhere the wind from every quarter fresh may blow upon his…

Brothers! the day declines, Above the glacier brightens, And red through Hunkwyl pines The vesper halo lightens; From hamlet, rock, and chalet, Your grateful songs be poured, Till mountain, lake, and valley, Re-echo - Praise the Lord. The sun…
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