Browse Items (752 total)

----- And fierce Oppression in my dream saw -- His victims bound in fetters at his feet: Their eyes bent to the ground - their faces dark, And deeply dyed with ebon, though the sun That branded deep his mark upon their face, Was rising on their land,…

I gaze upon that lovely cheek, By beauty's seal imprest, But dare not let my glances speak The love that thrills my breast; For ah! too well, too well I know Thou never canst be mine; I gaze - and tears unbidden flow Yea, tears, my Caroline! I love…

Here we three have met again,After years of hope and pain;Since our parting, time has laidMany a three in death's dark shade,Many a widow's heart has sighed.Since the dream that boyhood gave,We have toiled on life's wide wave,Wearily our oars we've…

Adieu to the land of my childhood. adieu!The last sigh of feeling swells fondly to you:Though thy bright sunny hills no longer are near,Though distant, I love thee, thou'lt ever be dear.But I ne'er shall revisit that dear spot again,Where love, joy,…

How solemn was the closing scene, When she yielded her last breath; How sweetly beamed the smile serene Upon the cheek of death. Her lovely hope no fears could blight, No pain her peace destroy, She viewed above, the beams of light, A pure and…

Propitious be the gales that waft thee, To southern clime, to peaceful home, Thy smile, perhaps, may never greet me, Or friendship tempt thee, here again to roam. Could I but once more meet thine eye, That ever beam'd with fond delight, That kindly…

Adieu to thee, Anna, for ever adieu, Adieu to each sweet recollection; I grieve most sincerely that ever I knew, A girl of such faithless affection. 'Tis in vain to repine, then no longer I'll weep, But indulge in a hope for the morrow, Each care…

Oh! thine was love so pure and sweet, So tender, firm, and so sincere, How often have we met to greet Each new, each happy year. Then hours flew unheeded by, By giddy mirth and song: But death, alas! has clos'd the eye, Which shone in pleasure's…

There is a mystic thread of life, So dearly wreath's with mine alone, That destiny's relentless knife At once must sever both or none. There is a form on which these eyes Have often gazed with fond delight; By day that form their joy supplies, And…

There was heard a song on the chiming sea, A mingled breathing of grief and glee; Man's voice, unbroken by sighs, was there, Filling with triumph the sunny air, Of fresh green lands, and of pastures new, It sang, while the bark through the surges…
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