The Teacher and His Pupil


Dublin Core


The Teacher and His Pupil


SCENE. School Room, school in session.
Dramatie Personae:
Teacher. A bachelor rising thirty.
Pupil. A beautiful girl of sixteen

I see that curling and high arched brown,

"Scold thee?" aye that I will,

Pouting I see thee still,

Thou Jade! I know that thou art laughing now!

Silence! hush! nor dare one word to mutter!

If it were e'er so gentle,

(I speak in tone parental,)

Do not thy very softest whisper utter.

I know that startled trembling all a hoax,

Thou pert and saucy thing!

I'll make they fine ears rings,

I'll pretermit thy silly, taunting jokes.

"Whip thee?" aye that I will--and whip thee well,

Thy chattering tongue now hold!

There--there--I will no further scold,

How down those lovely cheeks the hot tears fell!

How quickly changed? nay, nay, come hither child

'Tis with kindness I would rule,

Severity's the erring fool,

Who harms the tender or excites the wild.

What? trembling yet and shy? nay, do not fear,

Sure, sure, I'll harm thee not,

My gentlest, thine's a better lot,

So raise those azure eyes with radiant cheer!

Cheer up! then, there now thou canst go. Retain

I pray within thy heart,

Not the unpleasant part,

That's past. The other let remain.


William J. Wilson


1:5, p. 150




William J. Wilson, “The Teacher and His Pupil,” Periodical Poets, accessed July 27, 2024,


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