"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man"

Dublin Core


"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man"


"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man, and the Majesty of Heaven designed to hear the prayer of the slave for mercy."

Ah! yes, in heaven his prayer is heard -
Presented by the Son of God -

The slave's petition there,

No cold, repulsive action meets;
The court of heaven with mercy treats,

The captive's humble prayer.

O! ye who rule as gods on earth,
Who beast a more exalted birth,

Than him you call your slave;

Think not that God to whom you pray,
"The sighing prisoner" 'ill turn away,

Nor deign his soul to save.

The boon kind heaven grants to you,
Is for the bleeding captive too,

And though his limbs you chain,

His better part, the immortal mind,
With slavery's bands you cannot bind---

This ne'er can you detain.

With every morning breeze, 'twill rise.
And while your voice "salutes the skies,"

His prayer, like incense sweet,

Will at his Heavenly Father's throne,
Where proud distinctions are not known,

Divine acceptance meet.

But Ah! to you he prays in vain;
His humble suit you dare disdain,

And thus above your God,

Enthrone yourselves! worms of the dust!
And from you his blest image thrust,

Nor fear his holy rod.

O! tremble, like your patriot sire,
For God is just --- His dreadful fire

The guilty will consume;

Wash from your hands a brother's blood
And let his humble prayer be heard,

Or wait a fearful doom.

Freemen --- the God of heaven praise,
That Adams lives, his voice to raise,

In eloquence sweet strains,

For whom proud oppressors say,
Nor right for mercy has to pray,

The captive in his chains.

Friend of the oppressed, may heaven shed.
Its richest blessings on his head,

Undaunted may he stand,

Sweet liberty's fair tree to guard
Till the petitions shall be heard

By freedom's patriot band.




1:14, p. 4




From the Herald of Freedom


L., “"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man",” Periodical Poets, accessed July 27, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/200.


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