Ode. - July 4, 1837

Dublin Core


Ode. - July 4, 1837


TUNE - "I see them on their winding way."

This is our Nation's natal day!
Her starry banners brightly play;
And marshaled hosts, with fife and drum,
In long and bright procession come,
To celebrate with honors due,
The deeds of heroes bold and true;
Who dared in deadly fight to stand,
And bled to free our native land!
They slumber on the green hill side,
The bravest hearts that ever died!

But what to us was all that strife,
That waste of valor and of life?
If, slumbering in their glorious graves,
They leave their land to passion's slaves!
If they have shed their blood to win
The soil for ignorance and sin!
If they have only fought for fame,
And left their children but the name
Of Freemen's Sons - while they are found
By Hell's hard fetters darkly bound!

Our land is lovely and serene,
As orb of light hath ever seen;
And hill and valley far and wide
Are glittering in their glory's tide;
Our nation stands in beauty now,
But one dark spot is on her brow!
A deadly dye - an Ethiop stain,
Which makes her brightest glories vain!
While elder nations point in scorn,
The shame of Freedom's noblest born!

O weep for Afric's sable race,
Condemned to slavery and disgrace -
For whom improvement's brilliant train
Of useful arts exists in vain;
In whose dark hearts no genial flame
Burns at the great Redeemer's name;
O wake! - ye sons of Freedom, wake,
The Afric's cruel fetters break;
And bid his race exalted stand,
The last proud wealth of Freedom's land!


Alonzo Lewis, Esq.


1:27, p. 4




Alonzo Lewis, Esq., “Ode. - July 4, 1837,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/214.


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