Song of Liberty

Dublin Core


Song of Liberty


While I stand in the land of my birth,

I will stand in it upright and free;

Or my body shall cover the earth,

Ere I bow to oppression my knee!

    Here's a hand for a cause that is just -

      Here's a heart that's liberty's throne;

    But they both shall lie cold in the dust,

      Ere liberty's cause I disown.

Shall I crave as a boon what is mine

By the rights which kind nature bestowed?

Shall I ask a poor worm of what shrine

I shall bend in my duty to God?

    Here's a hand for the cause that is just, &c.

No! my conscience I'll guard from the chains,

Forg'd by despots and parsons for slaves:

I'll spurn the base hypocrite's gains,

Nor tremble when bigotry raves.

    Here's a hand for the cause that is just, &c.

Then welcome brave hearts that are true!

While in liberty's cause we unite,

Be our numbers many or few,

We will die as we live in our right.

    Here's a hand for the cause that is just -

      Here's a heart that's liberty's throne;

    But they both shall lie cold in the dust,

      Ere liberty's cause I disown.


An Injured, Wronged, and Traduced Man


1:34, p. 2




An Injured, Wronged, and Traduced Man, “Song of Liberty,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024,


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