The Hour of Prayer

Dublin Core


The Hour of Prayer


Haste thee, haste thee, hour divine,
Joys extatic - bliss is thine,
And raptures from the throne above -
Sweeter those, than life to me,
When the world and cares do flee;
And Jesus speaks, in tones of love,
O, time of prayer! O, hour divine! -
Extatic joys and peace are thine!

Fairer thou than sunny rays -
Holiest time of all my days!
O, hour of love and joy, draw nigh -
Spread my faith, these eagle wings -
Speed thee where the angels sing:
Where Jesus pleads my cause on high.
O, time of prayer! O, hour divine!
Extatic joys and peace are thine!

Now is come the hour of prayer -
Lovely, precious Jesus, hear:
Stoop thou from thy throne above -
Bless me, bless me, Son of God!
Shed thou in my heart, abroad,
Thy saving grace, thy dying love.
O, time of prayer! O, hour divine!
Extatic joys and peace are thine!

O, Jesus, thou my portion art; -
Sun of my life - joy of my heart.
O, raptures! bliss - O, God of love!
Exalt my thoughts, my hopes, my soul,
Higher than where the planets roll -
Up to thy dazzling throne of love.
O, time of prayer! O, hour divine!
Extatic joys and peace are thine!


Daniel A. Payne


1:36, p. 2




Daniel A. Payne, “The Hour of Prayer,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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