To William Llyod Garrison

Dublin Core


To William Llyod Garrison


ONWARD! our noble champion!

Though clouds above thee lower,

Though friend and foe alike combine -

Thou wilt not dread their power.

Onward! for faint hearts look to thee

For courage 'mid the storm'

And many a fervent prayer goes up

To shield they soul from harm!

Those whom thou hast awakened

From long continued sin -

From what would lead to endless shame,

The rest they slumbered in;

Now rise against thee, lending

Their aid to swell the cry,

Which from our land ascending,

Calls vengeance from on high!

Ingratitude and treachery

Thy dark'ning path surround;

But even the insults of a friend

Shall lose their power to wound:

Strong in thy native courage -

Strong in the help of God,

Thou wilt go on, unbending

To Slavery's iron rod.

Yes - onward! noble martyr!

We are not traitors all -

We shall not calmly see th' attempt

Our Champion to enthral;

A wall of hearts surrounds thee -

The faithful and the tried -

And all the wrongs which wound thee,

Are felt on every side!

A blessing on thee, brother!

From the chain'd and stricken slave!

And from those aroused from treach'rous sleep

Beneath destruction's wave!

Oh! could one heart, awaken'd

From such deceitful rest,

Call blessings down upon thee -

How richly wert thou blest!

New Bedford.




1:39, p. 4




I****, “To William Llyod Garrison,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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