
Dublin Core




Admit her to the Union? - Yes!

If our democracy can bow

To kings, and is prepared to kiss

The loathsome hem of tyrants now;

From principles that years have tried,

If thus we fall, no longer men,

And to our fathers' deeds of pride

Are recreant - why, admit her then!

If names that moves us, move no more,

And we, degenerate, are ashamed

Of fields once wrapt in flame and gore,

And deem those spirits to be blamed;

If Bunker hill flings up reproach,

And Lexington's the mock of men -

Bid them "God speed" who would encroach

On justice - and admit her then!

If Hancock, Adams, Warren were

Deluded fools that chased a dream -

And Washington ambitions, where

The Patriot's sword was wont to gleam.

If all the bright green spots that mark,

The veteran's bed, by stream and glen,

Hide traitors - on their memories, dark

Deep curses rest - admit her then!

If slavery's foul and damning spot

Must here increase like Ahab's cloud,

Blackening the moral heavens will not

One star shall blaze upon the proud;

If thus, a spectacle of scorn,

To nations, we're content, - let men

Lift up the consummated horn

Of infamy - admit her then!

But if the loud, indignant cry

Heard round the world, has power: if soon

Must hateful error droop and die,

And truth stand out to burning noon;

If down time's ages lives our land,

The proudest, last retreat for men,

Her flag by freedom's breezes fanned, -

Ye'll not - ye can't admit her then!

Now is the time, and now's the hour,

Through our republic's breadth and length,

From hall and cot, from town and tower,

Let answer go in Virtue's strength;

And peal ear round the startling cry -

We, whose old fathers stuck the blow,

We, who for freedom dare to die -

In million voices thunder, NO!


W.B. Tappan


1:49, p. 4




W.B. Tappan, “Texas,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 20, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/253.


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