The Last Journey

Dublin Core


The Last Journey


Slowly, with measured tread,
Onward we bear the dead

To his long home.

Short grows the homeward road,
On with your mortal load.

Oh, grave! we come.

Yet, yet - ah! hasten not
Past each remembered spot

Where he hath been;

Where late he walked in glee,
There from henceforth to be

Never more seen.

Yet, yet - ah slowly move -
Bear not the form we love

Fast from our sight -

Let the air breathe on him,
And the sun beam on him

Last looks of light.

Rest ye - set down the bier -
One he loved dwelleth here.

Let the dead lie

A moment that door beside,
Wont to fly open wide

Ere he drew nigh.

Hearken! - he speaketh yet -
"Oh, friend! wilt thou forget

(Friend more than brother!)

How hand in hand we've gone,
Heart with heart linked in one -

All to each other?

"Oh, friend! I go from thee,
Where the worm feasteth free,

Darkly to dwell.

Giv'st thou no parting kiss?
Friend! is it come to this?

Oh, friend, farewell!"

Uplift your load again,
Take up the mourning strain;

Pour the deep wail!

Lo! the expected one
To his place passeth on -

Grave! bid him hail.

Yet, yet - ah! - slowly move;
Bear not the form we love

Fast from our sight -

Let the air breathe on him,
And the sun beam on him

Last looks of light.

Here dwells his mortal foe;
Lay the departed low,

Even at his gate. -

Will the dead speak again?
Utt'ring proud boasts and vain,

Last words of hate?

Lo! the cold lips unclose -
List! list! what sounds are those,

Plaintive and low?

"Oh thou, mine enemy!
Come forth and look on me

Ere hence I go.

"Curse not thy foeman now. -
Mark! on his pallid brow

Whose seal is set!

Pard'ning I past away -
Then - wage not war with clay -

Pardon - forget."

Now his last labor's done!
Now, now the goal is won!

Oh, grave! we come.

Seal up this precious dust -
Land of the good and just,

Take the soul home.




2:19, p. 76




From Blackwood's Magazine

MICHAUD, in his description of an Egyptian funeral procession, which he met on its way to the cemetery of Rosette says - "the procession we saw pass stopped before certain houses, and sometimes receded a few steps. I was told that the dead stopped thus before the doors of their friends to bid them a last farewell, and before those of their enemies to effect a reconciliation, before they parted for ever." - Correspondence d'Orient, par M.M. Michaud et Poujoulat.


Unattributed, “The Last Journey,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024,


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