"Beauteous on our heath-clad mountains"

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"Beauteous on our heath-clad mountains"


Beauteous on our heath-clad mountains,

May our Herald's feet appear;

Sweet by silver lakes and fountains,

May his voice be to our ear.

Let the tenants of our rocks,

Shepherds watching o'er their flocks,

Village swain and peasant boy,

Thee salute with songs of joy!

Christian Herald! spread the story

Of Redemption's wond'rous plan;

'Tis Jehovah's brightest glory,

'Tis His highest gift to man;

Angels on their harps of gold

Love its glories to unfold;

Heralds who its influence wield,

Make the waste a fruitful field.

To the fount of mercy soaring,

On the wings of faith and love;

And the depths of grace exploring,

By the light shed from above;

Show us whence life's waters flow

And where the trees of blessing grow,

Bearing fruit of heavenly bloom,

Breathing Eden's rich perfume.

Love to God and man expressing,

In thy course of mercy speed;

Lead to springs of joy and blessing,

And with heavenly manna feed

Scotland's children high and low,

Till the Lord they truly know,

As to us our father's told,

He was known by them of old.

To the young, in season vernal,

Jesus in his grace disclose,

As the tree of life eternal,

'Neath whose shade they may repose,

Shielded from the noontide ray,

And from evening's tribes of prey;

And refresh'd with fruits of love,

And with music from above.

Christian Herald! may the blessing

Of the highest thee attend!

That, this chiefest boon possessing,

Thou may's prove thy country's friend:

Tend to make our land assume

Something of its former bloom

When the dews of heaven are seen

Sparkling on its pastures green.

When the voice of warm devotion

To the throne of God arose,

Mighty as the sound of ocean,

Calm as Nature in repose;

Sweeter than when Araby

Perfume breathes from flow'r and tree;

Rising 'bove the shining sphere,

To Jehovah's list'ning ear.


Rev. Duncan Grant, A.M., Minister of Forres


3:10, p. 4




The following beautiful stanzas, originally published in the "Scottish Christian Herald," and composed "by the Rev. Duncan Grant, A.M., Minister of Forres," we find in Blackwood's Magazine for September, 1838. - N.H. Record.


Rev. Duncan Grant, A.M., Minister of Forres, “"Beauteous on our heath-clad mountains",” Periodical Poets, accessed September 8, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/315.


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