Time's Song

Dublin Core


Time's Song


O'er the level plain where mountains

Greet me as I go,

O'er the desert waste where fountains

At my bidding flow,

On the boundless beam by day,

On the cloud by night,

I am rushing hence away -

Who will chain my flight?

War his wary watch was keeping,

I have crushed his spear;

Grief within her bower was weeping,

I have dried her tear,

Pleasure caught a minute's hold -

Then I hurried by,

Leaving all her banquet cold,

And her goblet dry.

Power had won a throne of glory -

Where is now his fame?

Genius said - "I live in story;"

Who hath heard his name?

Love, beneath a myrtle bough,

Whisper'd - "why so fast?"

And the roses on his brow

Wither'd as I pass'd.

I have heard the heifer 'lowing

O'er the wild wave's bed -

I have seen the billow flowing

Where the cattle fed.

Where began my wanderings?

Memory will not say;

Where will rest my weary wings?

Science turns away.




3:20, p. 4




Unattributed, “Time's Song,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/326.


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