The Seminoles Reply

Dublin Core


The Seminoles Reply


"The attack on Fort Felon was made, it is supposed, by Phillip and his gang. The action must have taken place before the information of the truce could have been received by the Indians who made the attack. - (Southern paper.)

Blaze! with your serried columns,

I will not bend the knee!

The shackle ne'er again shall bind

The arm which now is thee;

I've nail'd it with the thunder,

When the tempest muttered low;

And where it falls ye well may dread

The lightning of its blow.

I've scared ye in the city,

I've scared ye on the plain;

Go, count your chosen where they fell,

Beneath my leaden rain -

I scorn your proffer'd treaty,

The pale face I defy;

Revenge is tamped upon my spear,

And "blood!" my battle cry.

Some strike for hope of booty,

Some to defend their all -

I battle for the joy I have,

To see the white man fall;

I love among the wounded

To hear his dying moan,

And catch while chanting at his side,

The music of his groan.

Ye've trailed me through the forest,

Ye've track'd me o'er the stream,

And struggling through the everglade

Your bristling bayonets gleam;

- But I stand as should the warrior,

With his rifle and his spear;

The scalp of vengeance still is red,

And warms ye - "come not here."

Thank ye to find my homestead!

I gave it to the fire;

My tawny household do ye seek?

I am a childless sire,*

But should you crave life's nourishment,

Enough I have and good;

I have on hate - 'tis all my bread,

Yet light is not my food.

I loathe ye with my bosom -

I scorn ye with mine eye. -

And I'll taunt ye with my latest breath,

And fight ye till I die;

I ne'er will ask ye quarter,

And I ne'er will be your slave;

But I'll swim the sea of slaughter,

Till I sink beneath the wave.

* It will be remembered, that many of the Seminoles killed their children, - they being considered an incumbrance to the war.


Lieut. G.W. Patten, C.S. Army


3:22, p. 4




"The attack on Fort Felon was made, it is supposed, by Phillip and his gang. The action must have taken place before the information of the truce could have been received by the Indians who made the attack. - (Southern paper.)


Lieut. G.W. Patten, C.S. Army, “The Seminoles Reply,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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