The Farmer. A Song

Dublin Core


The Farmer. A Song


A farmer's life is the life for me,

I own I love it dearly;

And every season, full of glee,

I take its labors cheerly -

    To plough or sow,

    To reap or mow,

Or in the barn to thrash, sir,

    All's one to me,

    I plainly see

'Twill bring me health and cash, sir.

The lawyer leads a harass'd life,

Much like that of a hunted otter,

And 'tween his own and others' strife,

He's always in hot water -

    For foe or friend,

    A cause defend,

However wrong, must he, sir -

    In reason's spite,

    Maintain 'tis right,

And dearly earn his fee, sir.

The doctor's styled a gentleman,

But this I hold but humming;

For; like a tavern waiting man,

To every call "he's coming" -

    Now here, now there,

    Must he repair,

Or starve, sir, by denying -

    Like death himself,

    Unhappy elf,

He lives by others' dying.

A farmer's life, then, let me live,

Obtaining while I lead it,

Enough for self, and some to give

To such poor souls as need it.

    I'll drain and fence,

    Nor grudge expense,

To give my land good dressing -

    I'll plough and sow,

    Or drill in row,

And hope from heaven a blessing.


J.J. Barker


3:25, p. 4




Sung at a meeting of the Agricultural Society at New Brunswick


J.J. Barker, “The Farmer. A Song,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 20, 2024,


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