The Ballot Box

Dublin Core


The Ballot Box


Freedom's concentrated dower,

Casket of a priceless gem!

Nobler heritage of power

Than imperial diadem!

Cornerstone in which was reared

Liberty's triumphal dome,

When the glorious form appeared

'Midst our own green mountain home!

Purchased by as noble blood

As in mortal veins e'er run,

By the toil of those who stood

At the side of WASHINGTON -

By the hearts that met the foe

On their native battle plain,

Where the arm that deals the blow

Never needs to strike again!

Where the craven that would dare

Mar it with polluted breath?

Scorned and cursed, be his share

The traitor's shame - the traitor's death

Let his faithless heart be torn,

From his recreant bosom riven,

And, upon the whirlwind borne,

To the carrion be given!

Guard it freemen, guard it well!

Spotless as your maidens' fame!

Never let your children tell

Of your weakness - of your shame;

That their fathers basely sold

What was bought with blood and toil -

That you bartered right for gold,

Here on Freedom's soil!

Let your eagle's quenchless eye,

Fixed, unerring, sleepless, bright,

Watch, when danger hovers nigh,

From his lofty mountain height;

While the stars and stripes shall wave

O'er this treasure, pure and free,

The land's Palladium, it shall save

The home and shrine of liberty.




3:31, p. 4




From the Democratic Review


Unattributed, “The Ballot Box,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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