There Is Sorrow on the Sea

Dublin Core


There Is Sorrow on the Sea


There's sorrow on the sea -

    The ocean's mighty deep,

When raging winds roar furiously,

    And mournful vigils keep:

When noble barques press foaming waves,
And sink amid unnumber'd graves.

There's sorrow on the surge,

    When blacken'd grows the sky,

When stricken hearts petitions urge

    Before the throne on high:

And toil in vain to reach the shore,
And the delights of home once more.

There's sorrow when the winds

    Burst thro' the whitened sail -

When bravest hearts, and gallant minds

    Before the tempest quail:

And long to reach some cherish'd spot
To memory dear, and ne'er forget.

There's sorrow when we rove

    'Neath a fair pleasant sky,

And think of those we love,

    Like shadows flitting by:

And when we bid the sad farewell,
And tear drops flow, and bosoms swell.

There's sorrow in that hour,

    When an old ocean's breast,

We feel the withering power

    Of sickness and distress,

Where no kind mother watches near -
No sister drops the burning tear.

There's sadness on the sea,

    When the lone spirit feels

The awful power of Deity -

    Before Jehovah kneels,

And pleads ere he is swept away
To meet that dread - all-trying day.

There's weeping on the sea -

    Dismay does stout hearts seize,

Though the vessel sails on placidly

    Before the prosperous breeze:

When the fearful cry of fire is heard!
And the echoes of that dreadful word!

There's sorrow on our shores,

    When the win'try storm is high,

When the raging sea impetuous roars,

    And wrecks come floating by,

And cries of help fall on the ear,
When no delivering arm is near.

Prayer goes up from the sea,

    To the Omniscient one,

When trembling hopes and visions flee,

    And helpers there are none:

Then happy is he who can espy
The Christian's LIFE-BOAT gliding by.




New Series 1:3, p. 4




Unattributed, “There Is Sorrow on the Sea,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 20, 2024,


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