Lines Written for the Colored People, Who Were So Kind as to Favor Me with Their Singing on New Year's Eve and an Evening Following at My House

Dublin Core


Lines Written for the Colored People, Who Were So Kind as to Favor Me with Their Singing on New Year's Eve and an Evening Following at My House


While sleep my senses bound,

There stole upon my ear

A rapturous and unearthly sound

Of voices soft and clear.

For one short fleeting breath,

Methought angelic forms,

From this low world of sin and death,

Had borne me in their arms.

At midnight's solemn hour,

Upon the swelling breeze,

With sweet entrancing, melting power,

It murmured through the trees.

'T was Zions sacred songs,

Nights stilly silence broke,

Melodious notes from mortal tongues,

My peaceful slumbers woke.

Again, at evening's hour,

They sought my calm retreat, -

Again I felt the soothing power

That flows from voices sweet.

Thanks to that color'd band

For their kind act of love, -

Oh! may we in a better land,

Chant nobler strains above.

Oh! ye despised race,

Seek not on earth your rest,

Look to your Saviour's smiling face,

To joys amid the blest.

Released from meaner things,

Your happy souls shall rise -

Shall sour to heaven o'er earthly kings,

When time and nature dies.


Mrs. M.L. Gardiner


New Series 1:6, p. 4




Mrs. M.L. Gardiner, “Lines Written for the Colored People, Who Were So Kind as to Favor Me with Their Singing on New Year's Eve and an Evening Following at My House,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 20, 2024,


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