Sabbath Evening

Dublin Core


Sabbath Evening


How calmly sinks the parting sun!

Yet Twilight lingers still,

And beautiful as dreams of Heaven,

It slumbers on the hill;

Earth sleeps, with all her glorious things,
Beneath the Holy Spirit's wings,
And, rendering back the hues above,
Seems resting in a trance of Love.

Round yonder rocks the forest trees

In shadowy groups recline,

Like nuns at evening bowed in prayer

Around their holy shrine;

And through their leaves the night winds blow
So calm and still - their music low,
Seems the mysterious voice of prayer
Soft echoed on the evening air.

And yonder western throng of clouds,

Retiring from the sky,

So calmly move, so softly glow,

They seem to Fancy's eye

Bright creatures of a better sphere
Come down at noon to worship here;
And from their sacrifice of love
Returning to their home above.

The blue isles of the golden sea,

The night arch floating high,

The flowers that gaze upon the heavens,

The bright streams leaping by,

Are living with Religion - deep
On earth and sea its glories sleep
And mingle with the starlight rays
Like the soft light of parted days.

The spirit of the holy eve

Comes through the silent air

To feeling's hidden spring and wakes

A gush of music there!

And the far depths of ether beam
So passing fair we almost dream
That we can rise and wander through
Their open paths of trackless blue.

Each soul is filled with glorious dreams,

Each pulse is beating wild,

And thought is soaring to the shrine

Of glory undefiled!

And holy aspirations start
Like blessed Angels from the heart
And bind - for earth's dark ties are riven -
Our spirits to the gates of Heaven.


George D. Prentiss


New Series 1:13, p. 4




George D. Prentiss, “Sabbath Evening,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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