Watch and Pray

Dublin Core


Watch and Pray


Saw ye where the Savior kept
Watch, while his disciples slept?
Did ye hear the Savior speak,
While the sweat bedewed his cheek?
Did ye listen to the Lord,
And receive the hallowed word?
Heard ye your Redeemer say
To his followers, "Watch and pray?"

Not to them alone that call:
It was given alike for all -
All in pleasure, all in pain -
They that serve, and they that reign:
All alike are mortal dust;
Vain is every earthly trust.
None can see how soon they may
Be as nothing. "Watch and pray."

Rich men, in your palaces,
Where ye live in plenteous ease,
Glorying in your golden store,
Know ye not't will soon be o'er?
Have none told ye what must be,
That so careless still are ye?
Hear it now - the voice obey:
Ye are mortal. "Watch and pray."

Maiden, in thy beauty's pride,
With life's bitterness untried,
Know'st thou, though in life's young bloom,
` Thou mayst perish in the tomb?
There the fairest flower must wither -
Thou, like them, art hastening thither:
Beauty soon will pass away;
O, while lovely, "Watch and pray."

Peasant, in thy lowly cot,
Murmuring at thy humble lot,
While thy children round thee strive,
Asking bread thou canst not give, -
Wait with patience on the Lord;
He will not forget his word;
Dark temptations strew the way;
'Gainst their power, "Watch and pray."

Earthly wealth will not endure;
None 'gainst time can be secure;
Rich, and poor, and king, and slave,
All must moulder in the grave!
But a day of wrath shall come;
All again must quit the tomb.
See, it cometh! Blest be they
Who, while here, will "Watch and pray."


Mary Ann Browne


New Series 1:17, p. 4




Mary Ann Browne, “Watch and Pray,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024,


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